Nice appearance by members of the symphony at the local mall. I like that they are playing from memory. Feels more organic, though no doubt well 'orchestrated'....
Just saw this video on a link from my daughter-in-law on facebook. Its from "single dad laughing" and documents his little adventure with dancing with the homeless in Salt Lake City on Christmas day.
It just reminds me about the persistent question I have: "How do we build a bridge from where someone is to where we are?"
As the Orchestra Manager of the Detroit Symphony many years ago, I was suddenly tasked with the job of creating an "education" opportunity for kids who would probably have no experience with the orchestra before or after. What could I do in 45 minutes that could possible connect our orchestra world with their experience. How could we inspire them to want more? To me, the answer lies in finding out how to build a bridge, or at least the first steps of the bridge. But not by starting where we are, rather by starting where they are.
Thinking about online community and this quote ....
"Ben Franklin was perhaps the greatest statesman, scientist, and businessperson in America's history - and his response to competition was to invite all his competitors to join a new society called a Chamber of Commerce, dedicated to finding ways to work together to expand markets, and make everybody involved richer." Michael Roach
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