Blogging for Community Building
One of the key tools that people use for online community building is blogging. We have this idea that if we build a blog that people will come flocking to our doors to buy tickets and attend performances. If only it were that simple.
Being an Interested Blogger
I was reading a post today from Problogger about how to be an interesting blogger. The key take away for me in that post was about being interested in what you writing about and what your readers are interested in. Being interested in your readers. Are we writing because we love it, or because we are really intrigued with something?
Who is Your Blog Audience?
Chris Brogan talks about this in his post today, with the really good point that we need to be clear about who our audience is and stay focused on writing about what they want to hear about.
Who is My Audience?
Well that really got me thinking. Who am I writing for? I'm really interested in knowing about how people in the arts are using social media tools. What works, what doesn't. What can we learn from others using social media? I've mostly been interviewing people in this process. But I think I need to branch out and try other things as well. I think my audience is people interested in the same things.
What are you looking for? What interests you?