Please help The Sharing Foundation win the $1,000 Daily Giving Challenge prize by donating on Thursday 10/29/09. The organization with the most unique daily donors wins. Please donate $10 minimum beginning 3pm Thursday till 2:59pm Friday.
Click here to donate.
What are we donating for?Meet Seiha, Sarem, Ratha, Darien, Makara, Sokret, Sowat and Naveth!
These are TSF's first college grads! Eight years ago, Seiha, Sarem, Ratha, Darien, Makara, Sokret, Sowat and Naveth would have said that graduating from college was impossible. Thanks to TSF scholarships to Universities in Phnom Penh, on top of their four previous of sponsored high school, they make a better live for themselves and their families. These young people are the sons and daughters of farmers, not one of whom had a parent or relative who had graduated from high school!
The Sharing Foundation supported each of them.... and that's only the beginning. Here's a great video that really helps us to get a really powerful sense of the success of TSF and impact on people's lives!
I've tagged a few people whose contributions last year made this possible. Thanks!
Chris Brogan
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