“Eight things you (probably) didn’t know about me.”
I just found that I had been "tagged" by Beth Dunn, but somehow missed it. So here it is. According to her link from Doug Haslam there is a set of rules...
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List EIGHT random facts about yourself.
3. Tag people at the end of your post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.
Okay so here goes...
- I have 3 twin brothers.
- When I was in second grade I had to go to speech therapy class because I talked with a Texas drawl which somehow was translated into a speech impediment in my New Jersey school.
- I love to fly stunt kites though haven't done much since we moved into the woods and somehow I think our dogs would think these are things to grab and eat if opportunity arises.
- I study Yang Style Tai Chi short form and try to practice every day except when I don't.
- I am an avid reader of Pema Chodron and the like.... breath in, breath out
- I played horn professionally in the Phoenix Symphony for a couple years.
- I've started to write poetry.
- For many years I sang in the Harmonic Choir including on the classic album "Hearing Solar Winds" with David Hykes.
Now someone to Tag, hmmm I tag Kate Olson and Andy Roberts whom I just met today virtually by joining the better blog challenge. Thanks so much for reaching out!
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