Here's an interesting link for those looking for resources related to art from Its a list of online resources covering every aspect of art. Seems amazingly comprehensive. Here are the subject areas:
- Introductory Courses (e.g. from MIT and Open University)
- Images and Online Exhibits (e.g. Smithsonian, Getty, British Museum)
- Studio Arts (e.g. again MIT mostly)
- Lectures and Semiars (Harvard, Princeton, but not ITunesU!)
- Theory & Advanced Study
- Technology Training
- Photography & Film
- Graphic Design & New Media
- Art History
So its interesting because it raises 2 questions in my mind.
First one is: How did they build this list. How do we build a list? Is it SEO rankings in Google? Is it word of mouth? Our experience, someone telling us about it. Noodling around? Why is your museum listed here, or NOT listed here? (Okay that's more than one question.)
Second question is: WHere is ITunes U? Seems like it would be a natural collecting spot for people to find things. Just my 2 cents.
hat tip @Kanter for the link...
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